So if you know me, then you know that I love all things British! Well it just so happens that a cooking school my friend and I have been wanting to go to is offering a London Pub cooking class. I am very excited, I have never been in a cooking class like this before, only my cooking classes in college. Well we will be cooking lots of yummy foods and will for sure be bringing beverages to enjoy with these (British adult beverages I'm sure). I will for sure write about the experience once it happens, but until then I will leave you with the website and some yummy food pics!
My full Scottish breakfast in St. Andrews, Scotland!J and his full Scottish Breakfast in St Andrews, Scotland!J and his first beer in Scotland! He looks so happy! One day I will make a post about our trip over there and explain about more of these photos.My First Guinness In Scotland!Fish and Chips! * Here is the website, look around they have tons to offer!
So in December J and I will be going to Red River, New Mexico! We have been trying to go snowboarding since we first got together. I'm so excited we finally get to go. I have been before and J has not. I can't wait to see how he does in all that snow! He has never seen mountains except in Vegas and Scotland. We both bought new snowboard equipment of our own. We hope we can go more regularly. Our condo has an outdoor hot tub, we can sit in and be warm and watch it snow! So here's a few pictures to get you in the mood for snowboarding!
* I deleted some of my old posts to flow better with my new blog*
So I have decide to take my blog in a new direction. I want to write about travel. I have always loved traveling ever since my parents drove us EVERYWHERE on vacation, just so we could stop and see every attraction along the way.
I have been to almost each of the 50 states and just recently traveled internationally. I want to take some time to write about past travels from what I can remember and new places that I had my own camera handy! So be on the look out for posts about recent and past travels. I am excited to put them out somewhere other than in my head to remember, I hope I can count on the memories of my parents and siblings for some of the past trips.
Not only do I want to write about trips I have taken, I want to write about trips I will be taking in the future, and put up my list of every place I want to go or go back to before I die.
So to get you in the travel mood too, I'm posting a few pics of different places.
* This is one of my all time favorite pictures. It is a shot of Edinburgh, Scotland looking down at the town from the castle. I wanted a panoramic shot, but didn't trust sitting the very expensive camera on the ledge there, so this was all done just by hand. I'm sure you can tell they don;t natch up exactly but pretty good for free hand. * This is actually in Las Vegas we went a few years ago. * This is the Palo Duro Canyon up by Amarillo, Texas. We stayed at J's dads work about 45 minutes away.
* This is J and our dog Shilo in Arkansas digging for diamonds!